10 lugares increíbles para fotografiar en Marruecos

10 lugares increíbles para fotografiar en Marruecos

Marruecos es un país rico en cultura, historia y belleza natural. No es de extrañar que tantos fotógrafos acudan al país para capturar sus impresionantes paisajes y su arquitectura única. Desde los vibrantes colores de Marrakech hasta la serenidad del desierto del Sahara, Marruecos ofrece infinitas oportunidades para que los fotógrafos capten imágenes impresionantes. En este blog, exploraremos 10 lugares increíbles para fotografiar en Marruecos que no querrá perderse.

  1. Plaza Djemaa el-Fna, Marrakech Djemaa el-Fna es la plaza principal de Marrakech y uno de los lugares más animados de Marruecos. La plaza es un centro de actividad, con artistas callejeros, vendedores de comida y encantadores de serpientes que compiten por su atención. El ambiente es eléctrico, y los colores y sonidos no se parecen a nada que haya visto antes. Como fotógrafo, se lo pasará en grande captando la energía y el caos de este increíble lugar.

  2. Palacio Bahía, Marrakech Construido en el siglo XIX, el Palacio Bahía es un impresionante ejemplo de la arquitectura marroquí. El palacio presenta un intrincado trabajo de azulejos, coloridos mosaicos y bellos techos de madera tallada. Los jardines son igualmente impresionantes, con naranjos, cipreses y fuentes. A los fotógrafos les encantará la yuxtaposición de los colores vibrantes con los tonos terrosos de las paredes del palacio.

  3. Chefchaouen, la ciudad azul Situada en las montañas del Rif, Chefchaouen es una pequeña ciudad famosa por sus edificios azules. Las paredes, puertas y contraventanas de la ciudad están pintadas en tonos azules, lo que le da un aire surrealista y de otro mundo. Las estrechas calles y callejones son perfectos para capturar retratos íntimos y escenas callejeras.

  4. Mezquita Hassan II, Casablanca Una de las mezquitas más grandes del mundo, la Mezquita Hassan II es una maravilla de la arquitectura islámica moderna. La mezquita presenta intrincados mosaicos, suelos de mármol y un altísimo minarete visible desde kilómetros de distancia. A los fotógrafos les encantarán los juegos de luces y sombras en los muros de la mezquita, sobre todo al atardecer.

  5. Ait Benhaddou, Ouarzazate Ait Benhaddou es un lugar declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO que ha servido de lugar de rodaje para muchas películas de Hollywood, como Gladiator y Lawrence de Arabia. El pueblo fortificado está formado por casas tradicionales de adobe y estrechas callejuelas. A los fotógrafos les encantará el espectacular paisaje que rodea el pueblo, incluidas las montañas del Alto Atlas en la distancia.

  6. Garganta del Todra, Tinghir Situada en el Alto Atlas, la garganta del Todra es un estrecho cañón muy frecuentado por senderistas y escaladores. Las paredes del cañón son de roca roja, y el río que lo atraviesa crea una serie de pozas y cascadas. A los fotógrafos les encantará cómo juega la luz con las paredes del cañón, sobre todo durante la hora dorada.

  7. Erg Chebbi, Merzouga Erg Chebbi es una enorme duna de arena del desierto del Sáhara muy popular entre turistas y fotógrafos. La duna tiene más de 500 pies de altura y se extiende a lo largo de kilómetros. A los fotógrafos les encantarán los juegos de luces y sombras en las dunas, sobre todo al amanecer y al atardecer.

  8. Essaouira Situada en la costa atlántica, Essaouira es una pintoresca ciudad famosa por sus paredes encaladas, sus contraventanas azules y sus coloridos barcos pesqueros. La medina de la ciudad está declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, y la playa es un lugar popular para windsurfistas y kitesurfistas. A los fotógrafos les encantará el juego de luces sobre las murallas de la ciudad, especialmente durante la hora dorada.

  9. Volubilis, cerca de Mequinez

    una antigua ciudad romana que se encuentra cerca de la ciudad de Meknes. La ciudad se fundó en el siglo III a.C. y fue un importante centro comercial. Hoy, las ruinas de la ciudad son una popular atracción turística y un lugar favorito para los fotógrafos. El yacimiento presenta mosaicos, columnas y arcos bien conservados que permiten hacerse una idea de la vida en la época romana.

    1. El Atlas El Atlas es una cadena montañosa de más de 2.500 kilómetros que atraviesa Marruecos, Argelia y Túnez. Las montañas albergan una gran variedad de especies animales y vegetales, y el paisaje es absolutamente impresionante. A los fotógrafos les encantará cómo juega la luz con las montañas, sobre todo al amanecer y al atardecer.

    En conclusión, Marruecos es el paraíso de los fotógrafos. Desde los vibrantes colores de Marrakech hasta los espectaculares paisajes del desierto del Sahara, el país ofrece infinitas oportunidades para que los fotógrafos capten imágenes asombrosas. Tanto si es un fotógrafo profesional como un aficionado, no hay duda de que podrá capturar algunas instantáneas asombrosas en este hermoso país. Así que, ¿por qué no prepara su cámara y se dirige a Marruecos para vivir una aventura fotográfica inolvidable?

Tasting Marrakech, An Urban Food Tour

Tasting Marrakech, An Urban Food Tour

Experience the culinary delights of Morocco on a food tasting tour in Marrakech. The city offers a variety of tours that take travelers through the streets of the historic medina, allowing them to taste a range of traditional Moroccan dishes. Some tours focus on the bustling Djemma El Fna Square, while others take visitors to the hidden alleys and back streets of the city. A food tasting tour is an exciting way to explore Marrakech and discover the city’s delicious street food.

Marrakech’s urban food tours are led by local food experts who take travelers through the back streets and hidden alleys of the medina to discover authentic Moroccan cuisine. These tours, which are available on a private or group basis daily, begin at sunset in the Djemaa el Fna Square and typically include a mix of street food and sit-down restaurant stops to satisfy your appetite. These tours are a great opportunity to experience the diverse and delicious flavors of Moroccan cuisine and learn more about the local food culture.

A Marrakech food tasting tour is a unique way to learn about the culture and history of the city through its exotic cuisine. Led by a licensed guide and special food host, these tours take travelers on an authentic culinary journey through the local Moroccan food scene. The tour, which is equivalent to a five-course dinner featuring local street food, begins with a sunset viewing of the Koutoubia Mosque and a traditional Berber whiskey (mint tea). As the sun sets and the call to prayer echoes through the medina, the grills below begin to smoke, signaling the start of an exciting evening of culinary exploration.

A Marrakech food tasting tour offers the opportunity to sample a variety of authentic Moroccan dishes, including local specialties such as Marrakchi Tangia, Moroccan harira soup, sardine meatballs, lamb dishes, smoothies, Moroccan doughnuts, hot mint tea, and more. Between courses and after dinner, travelers will have the chance to explore the Djemaa el Fna Square and its lively entertainment, including Gnaoua musicians, snake charmers, fortune tellers, acrobats, and Hadous drummers. The tour also includes visits to hidden culinary gems to see behind-the-scenes food production in Marrakech.

A Marrakech food tour also includes the opportunity to shop for spices, olives, and harissa in the souks, or markets, of Morocco. As the second-largest producer of olives and the sixth-largest producer of olive oil, Morocco has a wide variety of olives that are cured using different methods to produce different colors and flavors. These olives are used in a range of Moroccan dishes and can be found in the olive market, where you may have the chance to sample a few varieties. After a day of exploring and tasting, the tour ends at a popular brasserie with a view of the Djemaa El Fna Square.


Tasting Marrakech’s Variety of Dishes in the Backstreets – An Urban Food Adventure

During a Marrakech food tour, you may have the chance to try a variety of unique dishes, such as the head of the sheep or snail soup, boiled eggs, stuffed bread, and hot mint tea. These dishes, along with other local specialties, will make for a memorable dining experience that you will likely be talking about for years to come. This food tour is suitable for foodies and can be customized for vegetarians and those who are gluten-free. Rest assured that you will have the opportunity to taste a wide range of delicious Moroccan flavors and try some truly memorable dishes.


Marrakech Food Tour Highlights:

Discover the Backstreets of the Medina & Hidden Alleys

~ Two types of slow-cooked lamb
~ Tangia (a Marrakech specialty)
~ Traditional Moroccan salads
~ a mixture of street food dishes such as a grilled sardine sandwich, merguez, or kefta
~ Moroccan soup and doughnuts
~ Fresh fruit smoothies
~ Moroccan pastries
~ Roasted sheep head (optional)
~ Spleen sandwiches (optional) …and more!

Los beneficios para la salud de viajar a Marruecos

Los beneficios para la salud de viajar a Marruecos

Marruecos es un país situado en el norte de África que ofrece una experiencia cultural rica y diversa a los viajeros. Además de sus atractivos culturales, Marruecos también ofrece muchos beneficios para la salud que lo convierten en un destino ideal para los viajeros que buscan mejorar su bienestar. En este blog, exploraremos los beneficios para la salud de viajar a Marruecos y por qué merece la pena considerarlo como destino de viaje.

  1. El clima

Marruecos es conocido por su clima soleado y cálido, que puede ser beneficioso para quienes sufren trastorno afectivo estacional u otras afecciones que se ven afectadas por la luz solar. Además, el clima seco puede ser útil para las personas con problemas respiratorios, como el asma.

  1. La alimentación

La cocina marroquí es famosa por sus ingredientes y sabores saludables. Platos tradicionales como el tagine y el cuscús se elaboran con verduras frescas y proteínas magras, lo que los convierte en una excelente opción para quienes buscan comer sano. También se ha demostrado que las especias marroquíes, como el comino y la cúrcuma, tienen propiedades antiinflamatorias, lo que puede ser beneficioso para personas con afecciones como la artritis.

  1. La cultura

La cultura marroquí hace hincapié en la hospitalidad y los vínculos sociales, lo que puede repercutir positivamente en la salud mental. Cuando se viaja a Marruecos, a menudo se recibe a los visitantes en las casas y se les invita a compartir las comidas con las familias locales, lo que crea un sentimiento de comunidad y pertenencia.

  1. El hammam

The hammam, or traditional Moroccan bathhouse, is a unique cultural experience that offers numerous health benefits. Hammams typically involve a series of cleansing and exfoliating treatments, such as a steam bath, black soap application, and body scrub. Los hammam suelen consistir en una serie de tratamientos de limpieza y exfoliación, como baño de vapor, aplicación de jabón negro y exfoliación corporal.

  1. Al aire libre

Marruecos ofrece diversas actividades al aire libre, como senderismo, paseos en camello y surf. Se ha demostrado que pasar tiempo en la naturaleza tiene numerosos beneficios para la salud, como reducir el estrés, mejorar el estado de ánimo y reforzar el sistema inmunitario.

  1. Tratamientos de spa

Además del hammam, Marruecos también ofrece una variedad de tratamientos de spa que pueden tener un impacto positivo en la salud y el bienestar. Muchos spas marroquíes utilizan ingredientes naturales, como el aceite de argán y el agua de rosas, conocidos por sus propiedades hidratantes y antienvejecimiento.

  1. Relajación

Marruecos es un país que hace hincapié en la relajación y en tomarse las cosas con calma. From the bustling medinas to the tranquil riads, there are plenty of opportunities to unwind and de-stress. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life can help reduce stress levels and improve mental health.

En conclusión, Marruecos es un destino de viaje que ofrece toda una serie de beneficios para la salud. Desde el clima cálido hasta la comida sana, hay muchas razones para plantearse viajar a este país único y vibrante. Así que, ¿por qué no añade Marruecos a su lista de viajes y experimenta sus numerosos beneficios para la salud?¿Yo?

Las mejores actividades para un viaje de 10 días a Marruecos

Viajes a Marruecos profundo: Las mejores cosas que hacer (itinerario de 10 días)

Marruecos es un país hermoso y diverso que ofrece un abanico de aventuras y misterios. Desde pasear en camello por el Sáhara al amanecer hasta practicar snowboard en las montañas del Atlas por la tarde, no faltan actividades para disfrutar en Marruecos. El país es conocido por sus impresionantes paisajes, que lo convierten en un gran destino para los viajeros. Aunque las distancias pueden ser largas, los destinos merecen la pena. Siga esta guía de viaje de 10 días por Marruecos para disfrutar de todos los atractivos de este maravilloso país.

Las mejores actividades para un viaje de 10 días a Marruecos

Nuestro viaje de 10 días comenzó en Chefchaouen, pero también puede empezar en otro lugar. Si es posible, le recomendamos añadir un día más a su itinerario para pasar más tiempo en Chefchaouen y en la Excursión al Desierto del Sáhara. Cuanto más tiempo permanezca en Marruecos, más tiempo tendrá para apreciar su magia.

Día 1 - Del aeropuerto de Tánger directamente a Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen está cerca del aeropuerto de Tánger, al que se puede llegar en taxi o autobús. El viaje en taxi dura aproximadamente 2 horas, mientras que el autobús de la CTM tarda unas 4 horas. El billete de autobús cuesta unos 50 DH, lo que equivale a unos 5 USD.

Tras llegar al aeropuerto, puede tomar un taxi hasta la gare routière (estación de autobuses), situada a 1,5 km. Desde aquí parten todos los autobuses, incluidos los de la CTM. Otra opción es alquilar un coche en el aeropuerto. También puede ahorrar tiempo compartiendo un taxi a Chefchaouen con otros viajeros y pagando aproximadamente 15 USD por persona. Así evitará las 2 horas de autobús y tendrá más tiempo para explorar Marruecos durante su viaje.

Día 2 - Explorar la Ciudad Azul de Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen es un destino imprescindible en cualquier itinerario por Marruecos. Este pueblo de montaña es famoso por sus impresionantes calles pintadas de azul, sus encantadores portales y sus juguetones gatitos. Si es posible, considere la posibilidad de prolongar su estancia en Chefchaouen un día más para apreciar plenamente la belleza natural de las montañas del Riff que la rodean. Es el paraíso de los fotógrafos.

Día 3 - Viaje a Fez

El viaje de Chefchaouen a Fez dura unas 4 horas en autobús y ofrece hermosas vistas de la campiña marroquí. Es una forma estupenda de conocer el país más allá de las grandes ciudades.

Día 4 - Deambular por Fez

Fez es una ciudad que ofrece muchas cosas que ver y hacer. Alberga una de las medinas sin coches más antiguas y grandes del mundo, y posee un rico patrimonio cultural que le transportará en el tiempo. La ciudad no es tan turística como otros destinos de Marruecos, por lo que podrá experimentar el auténtico Marruecos medieval. Algunos de los lugares más destacados son las torres de especias, las alfombras de colores, las curtidurías de cuero y los hammams. Fez es una visita obligada para todo aquel que desee descubrir realmente la esencia de Marruecos.

Día 5 - Viaje a Merzouga (Desierto del Sáhara, Marruecos)

Merzouga es una ciudad situada al borde del desierto del Sáhara, en Marruecos. Desde aquí, se tarda unos 45 minutos en llegar al campamento donde se pasará la noche. Se trata de una experiencia realmente inolvidable en cualquier itinerario por Marruecos, ya que le brinda la oportunidad de contemplar por primera vez las impresionantes arenas naranjas y rojas del desierto del Sáhara.

La mejor forma de explorar el desierto del Sáhara es hacer una excursión de 3 días de Fez a Marrakech. El trayecto de Fez a Merzouga dura unas 5 horas y ofrece impresionantes vistas de las montañas del Atlas y los paisajes circundantes. Esta excursión de 3 días le adentrará en el desierto y le dará la oportunidad de disfrutar de sus impresionantes paisajes y conocer a los acogedores habitantes de la zona.

Día 6 - Amanecer en el Sáhara y Marrakech

El sexto día de su viaje, se despertará temprano por la mañana y tendrá la oportunidad de dar un paseo en camello y contemplar un hermoso amanecer sahariano desde lo alto de las dunas. Este es realmente uno de los momentos más impresionantes de su itinerario por Marruecos. Antes, habrá disfrutado de una velada memorable con música, cena y una de las mejores observaciones de estrellas del mundo.

Tras disfrutar del amanecer y del desayuno, continuará su itinerario de 10 días por Marruecos con un viaje a Boumalne Dades, una hermosa ciudad situada al borde del desierto y rodeada de acantilados y desfiladeros únicos. Si visita el país en primavera, incluso podrá ver los valles llenos de flores rojas y rosas. Por el camino, tendrá la oportunidad de visitar numerosos pueblos con encanto de estilo terrenal en el Sáhara.

Día 7 - Rumbo a Marrakech

El último día del viaje tendrá la oportunidad de visitar Ait Benhaddou, una impresionante ciudad con casas que parecen gigantescos castillos de arena y están construidas contra la cima de una colina rodeada de palmeras. El paisaje de película de esta ciudad la ha convertido en un lugar popular para rodajes cinematográficos. También visitará uno de los puntos más altos del Atlas, donde disfrutará de unas vistas impresionantes. Al final del día, llegará a Marrakech, probablemente listo para darse un chapuzón en una refrescante piscina. Para disfrutar plenamente de su estancia, asegúrese de reservar un bonito riad en Marrakech.

Día 8 + 9 - Marrakech

Marrakech es un lugar magnífico para terminar su itinerario por Marruecos. Es una ciudad vibrante con mucho que ofrecer, como una bulliciosa Medina, tiendas de recuerdos, edificios de colores, parques llenos de palmeras y preciosos riads. Marrakech es también un paraíso para los amantes de la buena mesa, que podrán degustar deliciosos platos marroquíes como el tagine y el té a la menta en las hermosas terrazas de la ciudad. No deje de explorar los zocos o mercados y buscar tesoros en el laberinto de puestos. Marrakech está llena de joyas por descubrir.

Día 10 - Regreso a casa

En su último día en Marruecos, disfrute de un delicioso desayuno marroquí antes de dirigirse al aeropuerto internacional de Marrakech para tomar su vuelo de regreso a casa. Si dispone de más tiempo y quiere ver más del país, considere visitar Essaouira o practicar surf en Taghazout. Hay muchos lugares hermosos que explorar en Marruecos, y su itinerario puede personalizarse para incluir otros destinos interesantes.

Qué es un tajine marroquí?

Qué es un tajine marroquí?

El tajine es un plato tradicional marroquí que suele ser la primera comida que encuentran los viajeros cuando visitan el país. Es un tipo de guiso de cocción lenta que se prepara en una olla de cerámica o barro llamada tajine. Sin embargo, existe cierta confusión sobre la definición de la palabra tajine, ya que también puede referirse a la olla en la que se cocina el plato. Después del cuscús, el tajine es un plato popular y muy conocido en Marruecos.

Tajine: el recipiente de cocción

La olla tajine es un sencillo recipiente de barro para cocinar que se ha utilizado durante siglos en diversas culturas de todo el mundo. Sus orígenes se remontan al Neolítico y, con el tiempo, se han ido perfeccionando las técnicas y los materiales utilizados para crear tajines y otras vasijas de barro. En Marruecos hay dos tipos de tajines: glaseados y sin glaseado. También se venden tajines pintados a mano, que no sirven para cocinar sino para servir. La olla tajine es un utensilio de cocina versátil y duradero que ha permanecido prácticamente inalterado a lo largo de los siglos.

Cómo hacer un tajine

Una idea errónea sobre los tajines es que sólo hay un tipo de plato. En realidad, hay muchas variaciones del tajine, ya que se define más como un método de cocción que como un plato específico. Con el tajine se puede preparar una gran variedad de platos, como guisos, estofados y otras comidas cocinadas a fuego lento.

Hay 4 componentes “imprescindibles” para hacer un tajine.

La olla tajine
Verduras, fruta y/o carne

Los tajines son un tipo de plato de cocción lenta conocido por su complejidad de sabor y su versatilidad. Los tajines más sencillos se hacen con verduras, que se colocan en capas en forma de cono en la olla del tajine y se cocinan a fuego lento, como carbón o una llama de gas. A menudo se añaden tomates y especias para dar sabor, y se necesita una pequeña cantidad de agua para crear vapor y evitar que se queme. La tapa de la olla del tajine suele mantenerse cerrada durante la cocción para mantener el calor y la presión en el interior, aunque el cocinero puede levantarla de vez en cuando para comprobar el progreso de la comida.

Se pueden preparar muchos tipos de tajines, como el de pollo con limón confitado y aceitunas, el de ternera o cordero con ciruelas pasas y almendras fritas, el de verduras con productos de temporada, el de pescado con pimientos y tomates, y el de albóndigas con salsa de tomate y huevos escalfados. También puede haber especialidades de temporada, como cordero con guisantes y alcachofas o ternera con berenjenas. Si tiene la oportunidad de probar un tajine único en una casa o restaurante, sin duda merece la pena, ya que puede que no tenga ocasión de volver a degustarlo durante su visita.

El tajine -el recipiente de cocción- es una olla muy sencilla que se utiliza desde hace siglos.

Es habitual que los cocineros y restaurantes de fuera de Marruecos sirvan el tajine con cuscús al lado o debajo del tajine. Sin embargo, en Marruecos, el tajine y el cuscús se consideran dos comidas distintas que se cocinan y comen de manera diferente. El tajine se suele comer con trozos de pan plano fresco, y se acostumbra a comer en la zona de enfrente cuando se comparte el plato con otros. Si tienes alergia al gluten o prefieres no comer carbohidratos, no es raro que no haya tenedores disponibles, pero no dudes en pedir uno si lo necesitas.

Qué hacer en Marrakech, Marruecos

Qué hacer en Marrakech, Marruecos

Marrakech es una ciudad conocida por sus vibrantes colores, sabores, olores, sonidos y vistas únicas. Es famosa por sus mercados y compras en la Medina (ciudad vieja), pero hay mucho más que ver y hacer. Además de explorar la fascinante mezcla de cultura europea, de Oriente Próximo y africana de la ciudad, también puede salir de ella para disfrutar de impresionantes paisajes montañosos y desérticos.

Día 1: Medinas y mercados

La Medina es el corazón de Marrakech y la parte más antigua de la ciudad. Es un lugar bullicioso y vibrante, lleno de sonidos, olores y vistas únicas de Marrakech. Pase un día explorando los zocos y plazas y empapándose del ambiente de esta extraordinaria zona.

Día 1 - Del aeropuerto de Tánger directamente a Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen está cerca del aeropuerto de Tánger, al que se puede llegar en taxi o autobús. El viaje en taxi dura aproximadamente 2 horas, mientras que el autobús de la CTM tarda unas 4 horas. El billete de autobús cuesta unos 50 DH, lo que equivale a unos 5 USD.

Tras llegar al aeropuerto, puede tomar un taxi hasta la gare routière (estación de autobuses), situada a 1,5 km. Desde aquí parten todos los autobuses, incluidos los de la CTM. Otra opción es alquilar un coche en el aeropuerto. También puede ahorrar tiempo compartiendo un taxi a Chefchaouen con otros viajeros y pagando aproximadamente 15 USD por persona. Así evitará las 2 horas de autobús y tendrá más tiempo para explorar Marruecos durante su viaje.

1. Deambular por la Medina:

Lo más bello de la Medina es su laberinto de callejuelas estrechas que transportan al visitante al pasado. Deje atrás su mapa y piérdase en la emoción, esquivando burros y carros mientras avanza. Es una forma estupenda de experimentar plenamente el encanto y la historia de esta antigua ciudad.

Mientras explora la Medina, no deje de admirar los colores de las paredes y los edificios, los olores de la comida y las especias, y hablar con los amables lugareños. Uno de los aspectos más singulares de la Medina es el sonido de la llamada a la oración que resuena por las estrechas calles y que se puede escuchar desde las numerosas mezquitas situadas en las inmediaciones. Para disfrutar de esto y de las vistas panorámicas de la ciudad, diríjase a uno de los muchos cafés de las azoteas.

2. Jamaa El Fnaa:

La plaza Jamaa el Fnaa es el corazón de la Medina y un destino imprescindible. Pasear por la plaza es una experiencia inigualable, con el calor golpeando el suelo de piedra y una mezcla de encantadores de serpientes, animadores y puestos callejeros de comida que venden zumos frescos. Por la noche, la plaza cobra vida con música, bailarines y artistas que muestran su talento bajo las centelleantes luces de los puestos. Es una muestra realmente asombrosa de la cultura marroquí que no querrá perderse.

3. Explorar los zocos:

Los zocos, o mercados, son el alma de Marrakech. Situados junto a la plaza principal, son un laberinto de mercados cubiertos y callejuelas en las que es fácil perderse. Tómese su tiempo para pasear por los zocos y descubrir la extraordinaria variedad de bienes y servicios que se ofrecen.

Mientras explora los zocos, no deje de contemplar los fantásticos colores de los tejidos, los mágicos olores de las vibrantes montañas de especias, la marroquinería de alta calidad y las brillantes luces que rebotan en los farolillos y la cristalería de colores. Some of the main souks to visit are the Semmarine souk, located next to the Jamaa el Fnaa, and the Place des Epices souk, the traditional spice souk. No se preocupe por perderse en los zocos, simplemente disfrute de la experiencia y de todo lo que le ofrecen.

4. Encuentra los mejores lugares para comer y beber:

Marrakech alberga una amplia gama de restaurantes tradicionales y de fusión que sirven deliciosos tagine y cuscús. Algunos de nuestros favoritos son el Café Atay y el Café Clock. Another must-do in Marrakech is visiting a rooftop cafe or bar, as many buildings in the city have flat roofs that are perfect for this purpose. Considere la posibilidad de dirigirse a una cafetería en la azotea con vistas a Jemaa el Fnaa para tomar un refrescante té a la menta, o visite el museo Maison de la Fotographie, que cuenta con el bar en la azotea más alta de la medina y ofrece unas vistas increíbles de la ciudad.

Día 2: Arquitectura increíble

El día 2, tómese su tiempo para apreciar la belleza de los edificios y la arquitectura de Marrakech. Desde los tradicionales diseños marroquíes con arcos y azulejos azules hasta los estilos más innovadores y artísticos, hay algo para admirar. Considere la posibilidad de visitar algunos de los museos de la ciudad u otras atracciones culturales para hacerse una idea de la rica historia y el patrimonio artístico de la ciudad.

5. Estancia en un riad tradicional:

Alojarse en un riad tradicional, o casa de huéspedes, es una forma estupenda de experimentar los impresionantes detalles de la arquitectura marroquí. Por fuera, estos edificios pueden parecer sencillos y de color arena, pero por dentro son realmente impresionantes. En el siguiente enlace encontrará una fotografía de un riad, para que pueda hacerse una idea de lo que le espera.

Dentro de un riad, encontrará un mundo de hermosos azulejos de colores, motivos detallados y plantas, a menudo en torno a una serena piscina. Alojarse en un riad es una experiencia pacífica y tranquila que proporciona un oasis de bienvenida lejos de los ruidos de la ciudad. Es la forma perfecta de relajarse y reponer fuerzas tras un ajetreado día explorando Marrakech.

6. Jardin Majorelle:

El Jardín Majorelle es una atracción turística imprescindible de Marrakech. La hermosa casa y los jardines, pintados en un vibrante tono azul llamado “azul Majorelle”, fueron creados originalmente por Jaques Majorelle. Es un lugar increíble para visitar y experimentar la belleza de la arquitectura y el diseño marroquíes.

“Tras ser adquirido por Yves St Laurent, el Jardín Majorelle recuperó su antiguo esplendor. Hoy parece un oasis tropical, con una variedad de plantas verdes de todo el mundo que contrastan con los vibrantes azules y amarillos de la casa. Es un lugar hermoso y sereno para visitar y disfrutar de las vistas y los sonidos de la naturaleza.

7. Madraza Ben Youssef:

La madraza Ben Youssef es una antigua escuela islámica conocida por su impresionante simetría y sus mosaicos de intrincados dibujos. Situado cerca de la medina, fue en su día el mayor colegio islámico de Marruecos. Tómese su tiempo para visitar y admirar la hermosa arquitectura marroquí, especialmente la notable terraza interior que se centra alrededor de una tranquila piscina. Es un lugar maravilloso para pasar una hora explorando y disfrutando de las vistas y los sonidos de este edificio histórico.

8. Palacio de Bahía:

El palacio El Badi es un extraordinario edificio de 150 habitaciones construido en el siglo XIX por el gran visir del sultán. Es un destino imprescindible para cualquier persona interesada en la arquitectura y la historia marroquíes. Explore los tradicionales patios llenos de naranjos y fuentes, y admire las hermosas vidrieras y azulejos. Es un lugar realmente extraordinario que seguro que le impresionará.

Una de las características más impresionantes del palacio El Badi es el enorme y lujoso patio de mármol situado en el centro del complejo palaciego. Be sure to take the time to learn about the fascinating history of the grand vizier, his family, and his many wives while you’re there. Es una oportunidad que no debe perderse.

Día 3: Fuera de Marrakech

Marrakech es una ciudad vibrante con mucho que ofrecer, pero la impresionante naturaleza de Marruecos también está a poca distancia. Una vez que haya experimentado la cultura y la emoción de la ciudad, considere la posibilidad de hacer una excursión de un día para ver más del país. Puede visitar zonas rurales, majestuosas montañas o incluso el calor del Sáhara. Estas excursiones de un día son una forma estupenda de ver más de lo que Marruecos tiene que ofrecer y obtener una perspectiva diferente del país.

9. Excursión de un día a las montañas del Atlas:

Si desea disfrutar de la impresionante belleza natural de Marruecos, considere la posibilidad de hacer una excursión de un día a las montañas del Atlas. Estas majestuosas cumbres se encuentran a sólo una o dos horas en coche de Marrakech y ofrecen una agradable escapada del calor de la ciudad. Muchas excursiones incluyen un viaje de ida y vuelta y le llevarán por hermosos valles y pueblos bereberes tradicionales. Es una forma estupenda de obtener una perspectiva diferente del país y contemplar algunas de sus increíbles bellezas naturales.

9. Excursión de un día a las montañas del Atlas:

Si desea disfrutar de la impresionante belleza natural de Marruecos, considere la posibilidad de hacer una excursión de un día a las montañas del Atlas. Estas majestuosas cumbres se encuentran a sólo una o dos horas en coche de Marrakech y ofrecen una agradable escapada del calor de la ciudad. Muchas excursiones incluyen un viaje de ida y vuelta y le llevarán por hermosos valles y pueblos bereberes tradicionales. Es una forma estupenda de obtener una perspectiva diferente del país y contemplar algunas de sus increíbles bellezas naturales.

10. Aït Benhaddou:

Situado en la cordillera del Atlas, al sur de Marrakech, el antiguo pueblo de Aït Benhaddou ofrece un paisaje único y de una belleza de película. Los edificios de tierra y arena de este enclave de la UNESCO están excepcionalmente bien conservados, lo que permite a los visitantes echar un vistazo a un modo de vida más sencillo. Pasee por el pueblo, admire las montañas circundantes y tómese un té de menta mientras el sol se pone sobre la arcilla roja. Es una experiencia inolvidable que no debe perderse.

11. Recorrido por el desierto del Sahara:

“The Sahara Desert is an essential part of any trip to Morocco. You can explore the epic scenery by jeep or on foot, and marvel at the rippling sand dunes. At night, you can enjoy some of the best stargazing in the world around a campfire. It’s recommended to do a 2-3 day tour of the Sahara, as the drive to the desert takes about 8 hours and stops at villages and natural sights along the way. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the magic of the Sahara.”

Morocco Tours :Tips for Moving to Another Country

Morocco Tours :Tips for Moving to Another Country

Moving overseas can be a thrilling adventure that will leave a lasting impression on your life. This exciting experience offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in a foreign culture, make new friends, and live a completely different lifestyle. However, before embarking on your journey, there are several practical considerations to keep in mind, such as choosing the right neighborhood to live in and finding suitable employment. To help ensure your move abroad is successful, we have created a comprehensive guide that covers all the essential information you need to know.

Prepare to Move Abroad

If you have made the decision to move abroad and embark on a new and exciting journey, it is important to understand the steps involved in preparing for this transition. To ensure a smooth transition, it is crucial that you have all the necessary information and have taken the necessary steps to make your move as seamless as possible. In this article, we will outline the key steps you need to take in order to start your journey abroad.

Your Belongings and Subscriptions


When moving abroad, it is important to carefully consider the options for your possessions. You will need to decide whether to spend money shipping your belongings to your new location, put them in storage, or sell them. If you choose to sell some of your belongings, this can be a great way to generate additional funds to help cover the costs of your move, such as the rental deposit and any unexpected expenses that may arise when you first arrive in your new location. It is important to ensure that you have saved enough money to cover these costs, so that you can fully enjoy your new adventure without financial stress.

Contracts & Subscriptions

Cancel any contracts and subscriptions you might have that you won’t need anymore like a phone contract, any home contracts, or insurances that won’t work for you abroad, etc.

Choose a Country to Move to

When considering moving abroad, it is important to have a clear understanding of what you are looking for in a new location. To help narrow down your options and choose the right destination, it is helpful to consider the following questions:

  1. Cultural fit: Are you looking to live in a country with a culture similar to your home nation, or are you open to exploring a completely new cultural experience?

  2. Language learning: Is learning a new language a priority for you, or would you prefer to live in a country where you already speak the language?

  3. Work opportunities: Will you be able to work in your chosen country and is it financially feasible? Consider the cost of living in cities such as London, Hong Kong, and Sydney, and whether these cities would be a good fit for your career goals.

  4. Experience-focused: Are you more focused on the overall experience of moving abroad, such as immersing yourself in a new culture, or are you primarily interested in earning money? In this case, you might choose a destination like Portugal or Thailand.

When planning your move abroad, it is important to have a clear understanding of what is most important to you. By considering the questions outlined above, you can determine your priorities and make informed decisions about your destination. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that fully embracing the culture, language, and traditions of your new country is a key aspect of the experience of moving abroad. Researching these aspects of the country you are considering will help you better understand what to expect and ensure that you are fully prepared for your new adventure.

Paperwork to Arrange When You Move Abroad

Once you have considered your priorities and have a better understanding of what you are looking for in your new location, it is time to focus on the practical aspects of moving abroad. One of the most important steps in this process is making sure that all of your paperwork is in order. This may include obtaining visas, securing residency permits, and making sure that all of your official documents are up to date and accessible. Ensuring that your papers are in order is key to making a successful move abroad and avoiding any potential issues or delays during the process.

Passport up to Date?

A crucial step in preparing for your move abroad is to check the validity of your passport. If your passport is close to expiring or is already expired, it is important to renew it as soon as possible. In some cases, if you do not intend to return to your home country anytime soon, it may be a good idea to obtain a new passport with a longer validity period. This will ensure that you have a valid passport for the duration of your stay in your new country and avoid any potential issues related to travel or immigration. Don’t forget to check the visa requirements for the country you are moving to, as different countries have different requirements for entry.

Make Copies of Important Documents

Setting up a bank account in your new country is a critical step in preparing for your move abroad. You will typically need to provide important documents, such as your passport or birth certificate, to open a bank account. Before you move, research the specific requirements for opening a bank account in your chosen country and make sure that you have all of the necessary documents on hand.

It is also a good idea to make several copies of your important documents, as you may need them for other purposes as well. For example, you may need them when changing over your driving license or applying for residency. Having multiple copies of your important documents ensures that you will always have access to them and reduces the risk of losing them during the moving process.

Apply for a Visa When Moving Abroad

It is important to research the type of visa you will need in your new country as it can vary based on your intended activities there. If you are planning to work abroad, you will need to secure a working visa. The type of working visa that you will require will depend on your tax situation. For example, if you will be working for a local company, you may need a different type of visa compared to if you are a freelancer or working online as a digital nomad.

Different countries have different visa requirements, so it is important to research the specific requirements for your chosen destination before you make your move. This will help ensure that you have all the necessary documentation in order and avoid any potential issues with immigration or work visas. Be sure to start the visa application process as early as possible, as some visas can take several months to be processed.

If you are planning to stay in your new country for an extended period, you may need to apply for residency. The process of obtaining residency can be lengthy, so it is important to research the requirements and gather the necessary documentation before you arrive. Expatriate forums and Facebook groups are excellent resources for finding answers to frequently asked questions about the residency application process.

For freelancers, Facebook groups centered around co-working can be a great way to connect with other freelancers in your area and gather information and support. Being a part of a community of like-minded individuals can make the transition to living and working in a new country much smoother.

In conclusion, researching and preparing for the necessary visas and residency applications is an important step in the process of moving abroad. Taking the time to gather information and gather the required documentation will help ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

Buy Insurance

Having proper insurance coverage is essential when moving abroad. Depending on your visa or residency status, you may not be eligible for public healthcare in your new country, making it necessary to purchase private healthcare insurance.

Additionally, it is important to have comprehensive travel insurance to cover you during the move and during any trips you take within the country. Having contents insurance is also recommended to protect your belongings in case of theft, loss, or damage.

In summary, it is crucial to thoroughly research and obtain the necessary insurance coverage for your move abroad, including healthcare insurance, travel insurance, and contents insurance. Taking the time to ensure you are properly insured will give you peace of mind and protect you from unexpected events.

Having a local bank

Having a local bank account in your new country of residence can be beneficial in managing your finances while abroad. This will allow you to receive and make payments in the local currency, avoiding high conversion fees associated with international transactions.

An alternative option is to use an online money transfer service like Wise, which supports over 50 currencies and can make it easier to manage your finances while living abroad. Whether you choose to open a local bank account or use an online transfer service, it is important to consider the options available to you and find the solution that best fits your needs.

Learn the Language

Learning the local language can be an important part of adapting to your new home abroad. Even just having a basic understanding of the language can make daily life much easier and help you build stronger connections with the local community.

To learn the language, you can consider enrolling in language classes, participating in language exchanges, or using language learning apps like Babbel. Whether you choose to invest time in a formal learning environment or through more self-directed methods, the effort you put into learning the language can greatly enhance your experience of moving abroad.

Make Friends Abroad

Another way to meet people and build a social network is to participate in volunteer work, join clubs or organizations, attend local festivals and events, and even taking part in local tours or sightseeing activities. These activities will not only help you to make new friends, but also give you the opportunity to experience the local culture and customs, and really get a feel for your new home. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and make connections, it could lead to lasting relationships and memories in your new adventure abroad.


Set up Your Bills

Additionally, you may also want to research and compare different service providers to see which one offers the best rates and coverage. When setting up your utilities, it’s also important to consider the length of your stay, whether it’s short or long term, as this can affect the plans and contracts you can choose from. Don’t forget to factor in any setup fees, deposit requirements, and other related expenses that come with setting up your utilities.


Adventure Quotes to Fuel your Wanderlust

  1. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

  2. “Adventure may hurt you but monotony will kill you.” – Unknown

  3. “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

  4. “To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Andersen

  5. “The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot

  6. “Travel far, travel wide, and make memories that will last a lifetime.” – Unknown

  7. “Not all who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

  8. “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

  9. “Adventures are the best way to learn.” – Unknown

  10. “Go explore, dream, discover.” – Mark Twain 

    • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller
    • “We travel to find ourselves; and sometimes we find ourselves in the airport bar.” – Anonymous
    • “Adventure awaits those who are willing to seek it.” – Unknown
    • “Not all who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
    • “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine
    • “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
    • “Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once.” – Karen Gibbs
    • “Don’t listen to what they say, go see.” – Anonymous
    • “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag
    • “Adventure is just a romantic name for trouble.” – Unknown

Things To Do in Marrakech,

Morocco tours :Things To Do in Marrakech, Morocco: A 3-Day Guide

Marrakech is a city in Morocco that offers a truly unforgettable sensory experience. With its rich history and diverse cultural influences, Marrakech boasts a vibrant mix of colors, flavors, smells, sounds, and unique sights. While the city is renowned for its markets and shopping in the Medina, or old city, there is much more to explore. After taking in the fascinating blend of European, Middle Eastern, and African cultures, you can venture out of the city for breathtaking mountain and desert landscapes.


Day 1: Medinas and Markets


In Marrakech, all the action takes place in the Medina, which is the oldest and most historic part of the city surrounded by walls. Take a day to fully immerse yourself in the bustling atmosphere, and be entranced by the sights, sounds, and scents of this fascinating area. Stroll through the labyrinth of narrow alleys, bustling souks and bustling squares. This will surely be a unique and unforgettable experience.

1. Wander Around the Medina

The Medina in Marrakech is not only a walled city, but it’s also the most ancient part of the city. To fully immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage, take a day to explore its narrow and winding streets, which will transport you back in time. Forget about your map and let yourself get lost in the excitement, but be prepared to navigate around donkeys and carts. The walls and buildings in the Medina are a kaleidoscope of colors, the air filled with the fragrant scents of food and spices, and the locals are friendly and welcoming. What sets the Medina apart is the haunting call to prayer that echoes through the streets from the many mosques in the area. To truly experience the magic of this sound, visit one of the many rooftop cafes for breathtaking views and sounds of the city.

2. Jamaa El Fnaa

The bustling hub of the Medina is the world-renowned Jamaa el Fnaa square, where the energy and excitement are palpable. Take in the sensation of the heat radiating off the stone floor as you navigate through snake charmers, street performers, and food stalls selling freshly made juices.

As the sun sets, the square transforms into a lively nightlife destination with musical performances, dancers, and artists showcasing their talents under the glowing lights of the stalls. This breathtaking display of Moroccan culture is a must-see for anyone visiting Marrakech.

It is important to note that there may be pickpockets operating in the area, so it is wise to keep your belongings close and be cautious.

3. Explore the Souks

The souks in Marrakech are a true representation of the city’s soul. A labyrinth of markets awaits you just a stone’s throw away from the bustling Jamaa el Fnaa square. Take a stroll through the covered markets and the seemingly endless network of tiny streets, and let yourself be fully immersed in the beauty and chaos of the souk experience. Get lost among the vendors, the colors, and the smells, and discover the true essence of Marrakech.

In Marrakech, the souks embody the very soul of the city. Stepping away from the main square, you’ll be transported into a labyrinth of colorful markets, where textiles, spices, leather goods, and shining lanterns come together to create an unforgettable sensory experience. While exploring the souks, be sure to visit two of the main markets – the Souk Semmarine, located near Jamaa el Fnaa, and the traditional Spice Souk, called Souk Place des Epices. Just remember that bargaining is a cultural norm in Morocco, so be prepared to haggle for the best prices. Be aware that shopkeepers may try to convince you to purchase their products, but simply say “no” politely and move on. If you’re concerned about getting lost in the maze-like markets, consider hiring a reputable guide to accompany you.

4. Find the Best Places to Eat and Drink

Marrakech is known for its vibrant culinary scene, offering both traditional Morrocan cuisine and fusion dishes. The city boasts of a vast selection of restaurants that specialize in serving mouth-watering tagine and couscous dishes. Our top recommendation for a dining experience in Marrakech is Cafe Atay. Another notable restaurant is Cafe Clock, which offers a fusion of flavors and is also highly recommended.

Marrakech is renowned for its unique architectural style, characterized by flat roof buildings. This feature makes it possible for visitors to enjoy stunning views of the city from rooftop cafes. For a quintessential Marrakech experience, head to a rooftop cafe with a view of Jemaa el Fnaa and savor a cup of traditional mint tea. Another must-visit destination for panoramic views is the Maison de la Photographie, which features the highest rooftop bar in the medina.

It’s important to note that Marrakech is an Islamic city, and as such, alcohol is restricted. Most bars and restaurants in the city do not serve alcohol, so it’s advisable to research and find bars and restaurants that offer alcohol. If you prefer to avoid alcohol, you can still enjoy a great time in Marrakech, exploring its rich culture and history, and indulging in its delicious cuisine.


Day 2: Incredible Architecture

Day 2 in Marrakech offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the city’s diverse architectural landscape. Take a stroll through the streets and admire the traditional Moroccan designs, characterized by intricate arches and beautifully crafted blue tiles. These buildings showcase the rich cultural heritage of the city and provide a glimpse into its past.

In addition to the traditional architecture, Marrakech also boasts of more innovative building designs and museums. These structures display a more contemporary aesthetic, incorporating modern materials and artistic elements. By exploring both the traditional and innovative buildings in Marrakech, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the city’s rich history and dynamic cultural scene. So, jump between these beautiful buildings and immerse yourself in the vibrant and rich architecture of Marrakech.


5. Stay in a Traditional Riad

Staying in a traditional Moroccan riad, or guesthouse, is the ultimate way to experience the intricate details of the country’s architecture. On the exterior, riads are often a simple sandy color with basic architectural elements. However, as soon as you step inside, you will be transported to a different world. You’ll be greeted by an array of magnificent colored tiles, intricately designed patterns, and lush greenery, all centered around a tranquil swimming pool that exudes a serene ambiance.

The interior of a riad truly embodies the essence of Moroccan design, and staying in one provides a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. You’ll be able to relax in a tranquil oasis and take in the stunning beauty of the architecture, surrounded by the calming sounds of the riad’s peaceful atmosphere. To fully immerse yourself in the traditional Moroccan experience, consider staying in a riad during your visit to Marrakech. The link in the photography below offers a glimpse into the enchanting world of these traditional guesthouses.

6. Jardin Majorelle

Marrakech is home to a number of tourist attractions, but one that truly stands out is the vibrant blue house. This magnificent structure is an absolute must-see for anyone visiting the city, and is widely regarded as one of the most popular attractions in the area.

The stunning house and lush botanical gardens were originally created by Jaques Majorelle, who was renowned for inventing a distinctive deep blue shade named ‘Majorelle blue’. The property was later purchased by Yves St Laurent, who restored the house and gardens to their former glory. Today, visitors can admire the stunning beauty of the property, which feels like a tropical oasis with its diverse array of green plants from all over the world, set against the backdrop of the vivid blues and yellows of the house.

Visitors are required to purchase a ticket to enter the gardens and the museum. The entrance fee for the garden is 70 Dhs (approximately $7), while the museum entrance fee is 30 Dhs (approximately $3). The house and gardens are open from 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. every day, with extended hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the summer months. To avoid the crowds and get the best possible photos, it is recommended to arrive as early as possible.

7. Ben Youssef Madrassa

Discover a world of intricate design and symmetrical beauty at the Ben Youssef Madrassa, a former Islamic school located near the medina in Marrakech. This stunning building was once the largest Islamic college in Morocco, and today serves as a testament to the country’s rich cultural heritage and architectural prowess.

As you explore the madrassa, you’ll be mesmerized by the stunning symmetry and intricately patterned mosaics that adorn its walls and ceilings. The highlight of the madrassa is the breathtaking interior terrace, which is centered around a tranquil pool and showcases the very best of Moroccan architecture.

Spend an hour or so marveling at the beauty of the madrassa, and take in the rich cultural history that it embodies. Whether you’re an admirer of Islamic architecture, or simply looking for an enriching cultural experience, a visit to the Ben Youssef Madrassa is a must-see while in Marrakech.

8. Bahia Palace

The Bahia Palace is a magnificent 19th-century palace located in Marrakech, Morocco. It boasts an impressive 150 rooms and was constructed by the grand vizier of the sultan with the intention of becoming the greatest palace of all time.

As you wander through the palace, you’ll be transported back in time as you admire the traditional Moroccan architecture that abounds. The courtyards are filled with lush orange trees and sparkling fountains, while the stain glass windows and intricate tilework serve as a testament to the attention to detail and craftsmanship that went into building the palace.

Whether you’re a lover of history, architecture, or simply looking for a unique cultural experience, a visit to the Bahia Palace is a must-see. Discover this extraordinary palace for yourself and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Morocco.

Day 3: Outside of Marrakech

The natural beauty of Morocco is readily accessible from the bustling city of Marrakech. After exploring the rich culture and dynamic atmosphere of the city, consider taking a day trip to experience the rural countryside, majestic mountain ranges, or the scorching heat of the Sahara desert. These trips provide a unique opportunity to escape the city and immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of Morocco.


9. A Day Trip to the Atlas Mountains

Experience the breathtaking beauty of the Atlas Mountains with a day trip from Marrakech. Only a drive of one or two hours away, most tours provide round trip transportation to the city and take you through picturesque valleys and authentic Berber villages. This is an ideal way to witness the stunning natural landscape of Morocco and escape to the cooler climates of the mountains.

Tip: If you’re visiting in the winter, take advantage of the opportunity to ski in the Atlas Mountains. However, if you’re visiting in the summer, keep in mind that the temperature can drop significantly as the evening approaches, so it’s advisable to bring an extra layer of clothing.

10. Aït Benhaddou

A visit to Aït Benhaddou, a UNESCO site located in the Atlas Mountains south of Marrakech, offers a breathtaking view of a movie-like scenery with its earthen, sandy buildings dating back hundreds of years. The ancient village is exceptionally well-preserved, providing visitors a glimpse into a simpler way of life. Take a stroll through the village, admire the picturesque mountains, and experience the tradition of sipping a mint tea as the sun sets over the red clay.


11. Sahara Desert Tour

A visit to Morocco would be incomplete without a trip to the magnificent Sahara Desert. Immerse yourself in the rolling sand dunes through a thrilling jeep ride or a leisurely walk during the day. And as the night falls, be entranced by the breathtaking stargazing experience around a warm campfire. The journey to the Sahara, which usually takes about 8 hours, offers the chance to stop at various villages and scenic spots along the way. It is suggested to take a 2-3 day tour to fully appreciate the beauty of the Sahara Desert.


Best Time to Visit Marrakech

The optimal period to visit Marrakech is during the shoulder seasons which are from March to May and September to November. During these months, the weather is warm and sunny, but not excessively hot. Although the winter months can also have sunny days, they are an ideal time to go if you are planning on skiing in the Atlas Mountains.


How to Get to Marrakech & How to Get Around

Getting to Marrakech is a breeze, whether you opt for the convenience of air travel, the comfort of a bus ride, or the scenic beauty of a train journey. Marrakech boasts a well-connected international airport, while the roads across Morocco are in excellent condition, making it easy to explore other cities like Fes by train. Once you’ve arrived in Marrakech, all the popular attractions are within walking distance from each other, making it easy to get around and see the city by foot.

For those who prefer to rent a car, Sunny Cars offers a hassle-free solution. With the option to cancel your reservation up to an hour before pickup and all-inclusive insurance, you can rest assured that your rental experience will be smooth and stress-free. Book your rental car today and discover Morocco at your own pace.



The Health Benefits of Traveling to Morocco

The Health Benefits of Traveling to Morocco

Morocco is a country located in North Africa that offers a rich and diverse cultural experience to travelers. In addition to its cultural attractions, Morocco also offers many health benefits that make it a great destination for travelers looking to improve their wellbeing. In this blog, we will explore the health benefits of traveling to Morocco and why it’s worth considering as a travel destination.

  1. The Climate

Morocco is known for its sunny and warm weather, which can be beneficial for those suffering from seasonal affective disorder or other conditions that are affected by sunlight. Additionally, the dry climate can be helpful for people with respiratory problems, such as asthma.

  1. The Food

Moroccan cuisine is renowned for its healthy ingredients and flavors. Traditional dishes such as tagine and couscous are made with fresh vegetables and lean protein, making them an excellent choice for those looking to eat healthily. Moroccan spices, such as cumin and turmeric, have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for people with conditions such as arthritis.

  1. The Culture

Moroccan culture emphasizes hospitality and social connections, which can have a positive impact on mental health. When traveling to Morocco, visitors are often welcomed into homes and invited to share meals with local families, creating a sense of community and belonging.

  1. The Hammam

The hammam, or traditional Moroccan bathhouse, is a unique cultural experience that offers numerous health benefits. Hammams typically involve a series of cleansing and exfoliating treatments, such as a steam bath, black soap application, and body scrub. These treatments can help improve circulation, detoxify the body, and leave the skin feeling soft and rejuvenated.

  1. The Outdoors

Morocco offers a variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, camel trekking, and surfing. Spending time in nature has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting the immune system.

  1. The Spa Treatments

In addition to the hammam, Morocco also offers a variety of spa treatments that can have a positive impact on health and wellbeing. Many Moroccan spas use natural ingredients, such as argan oil and rose water, which are known for their hydrating and anti-aging properties.

  1. The Relaxation

Morocco is a country that emphasizes relaxation and taking things slow. From the bustling medinas to the tranquil riads, there are plenty of opportunities to unwind and de-stress. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life can help reduce stress levels and improve mental health.

In conclusion, Morocco is a travel destination that offers a range of health benefits. From the warm climate to the healthy food, there are plenty of reasons to consider traveling to this unique and vibrant country. So, why not add Morocco to your travel list and experience its many health benefits for yourself?

10 Amazing Photography Spots in Morocco

10 Amazing Photography Spots in Morocco

Morocco is a country that’s rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. It’s no wonder why so many photographers flock to the country to capture its stunning landscapes and unique architecture. From the vibrant colors of Marrakech to the serene Sahara Desert, Morocco offers endless opportunities for photographers to capture breathtaking images. In this blog, we’ll be exploring 10 amazing photography spots in Morocco that you won’t want to miss.

  1. Djemaa el-Fna Square, Marrakech Djemaa el-Fna is the main square in Marrakech and one of the most vibrant places in Morocco. The square is a hub of activity, with street performers, food vendors, and snake charmers vying for your attention. The atmosphere is electric, and the colors and sounds are like nothing you’ve ever experienced. As a photographer, you’ll have a field day capturing the energy and chaos of this incredible place.

  2. Bahia Palace, Marrakech Built in the 19th century, Bahia Palace is a stunning example of Moroccan architecture. The palace features intricate tilework, colorful mosaics, and beautifully carved wooden ceilings. The gardens are equally impressive, with orange trees, cypress trees, and fountains. Photographers will love the juxtaposition of the vibrant colors against the earthy tones of the palace’s walls.

  3. Chefchaouen, the Blue City Located in the Rif Mountains, Chefchaouen is a small town that’s famous for its blue buildings. The town’s walls, doors, and shutters are all painted in shades of blue, giving it a surreal, otherworldly feel. The narrow streets and alleys are perfect for capturing intimate portraits and street scenes.

  4. Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca One of the largest mosques in the world, the Hassan II Mosque is a marvel of modern Islamic architecture. The mosque features intricate mosaics, marble floors, and a soaring minaret that’s visible from miles away. Photographers will love the play of light and shadow on the mosque’s walls, particularly during sunset.

  5. Ait Benhaddou, Ouarzazate Ait Benhaddou is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that’s been used as a filming location for many Hollywood movies, including Gladiator and Lawrence of Arabia. The fortified village is made up of traditional mud brick houses and narrow alleyways. Photographers will love the dramatic landscape surrounding the village, including the High Atlas Mountains in the distance.

  6. Todra Gorge, Tinghir Located in the High Atlas Mountains, the Todra Gorge is a narrow canyon that’s popular with hikers and climbers. The canyon walls are made of red rock, and the river that flows through it creates a series of pools and waterfalls. Photographers will love the way the light plays on the canyon walls, particularly during the golden hour.

  7. Erg Chebbi, Merzouga Erg Chebbi is a massive sand dune in the Sahara Desert that’s popular with tourists and photographers alike. The dune is over 500 feet tall and stretches for miles. Photographers will love the play of light and shadow on the dunes, particularly during sunrise and sunset.

  8. Essaouira Located on the Atlantic coast, Essaouira is a picturesque town that’s famous for its white-washed walls, blue shutters, and colorful fishing boats. The town’s medina is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the beach is a popular spot for windsurfers and kitesurfers. Photographers will love the way the light plays on the town’s walls, particularly during the golden hour.

  9. Volubilis, near Meknes

    an ancient Roman city that’s located near the city of Meknes. The city was founded in the 3rd century BC and was an important hub for trade and commerce. Today, the ruins of the city are a popular tourist attraction and a favorite spot for photographers. The site features well-preserved mosaics, columns, and arches that provide a glimpse into life during the Roman era.

    1. The Atlas Mountains The Atlas Mountains are a range of mountains that stretch for over 2,500 kilometers across Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The mountains are home to a variety of plant and animal species, and the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. Photographers will love the way the light plays on the mountains, particularly during sunrise and sunset.

    In conclusion, Morocco is a photographer’s paradise. From the vibrant colors of Marrakech to the dramatic landscapes of the Sahara Desert, the country offers endless opportunities for photographers to capture stunning images. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur, there’s no doubt that you’ll be able to capture some amazing shots in this beautiful country. So why not pack your camera and head to Morocco for an unforgettable photography adventure?